Performance Marketing

Buscamos las mejores técnicas digitales para hacer crecer su base de datos y no pagar más de lo que obtiene.

Performance Marketing

Aumentar tu Base de datos con buenas estrategias digitales nunca antes había sido tan fácil. Con Performance Marketing nuestros clientes pagarán exclusivamente por resultado

Performance Marketing 1 Performance Marketing


From adSalsa we have a human and technological team specialized in Email-Marketing actions, which gives us value and a touch of differentiation with respect to other Databases.

In addition to our experience, we have a multitude of segmentation variables that help us to vocalize each of the campaigns worked on to the potential target of our clients, thus increasing the ROI per campaign.

Having quality certifications such as Return Path or Sender Score give us the security and confidence to continue working and improving day by day.

Data Generation

Generar una Base de Datos de calidad no es nada fácil. Desde adSalsa ponemos a tu disposición todo nuestro Know-How adquirido en el “Lead Generation” para poder ofrecerte la mejor estrategia de captación.



Legislación acuerdo con RGPD


Captación segmentada


Depuracion de datos en tiempo real


Captación a nivel internacional


Base de datos en propiedad



Our clients care about their results: we work to achieve them! We offer experience in buying media and our own technology focused on obtaining the best performance and profitability from each campaign.
At adSalsa we do not look for users for clients, but rather direct and manage the best campaigns for each user. Only in this way can good results be guaranteed.

We access the available markets in real time. Social Media allows us to know the interests of each user and their connections, and PPC in search engines helps us reach every user with a real purchase intention. Why not have it all?


  1. Personalized evaluation and development of strategy to follow (PPC search engines, PPC social media, RTB …).
  2. Visibility in the main national networks and portals.
  3. Improved brand acceptance by optimizing the campaign. It is only impacted on users interested in the product.
  4. Increase in lead quality, which implies a better sales conversion: PERFORMANCE MARKETING.
  5. Possibility of paying exclusively for the results.
  6. Daily monitoring and optimization with full customer knowledge.

7 Points You MUST Follow For Your Performance Marketing Campaign

You Must Have an Interesting Campaign
You have to capture the attention of users, since it is very difficult to have a profitable income level doing something that really does not interest you. That is why each of the campaigns that are managed must meet all consumer expectations.
There must be a minimum volume of business
To run a Performance Marketing campaign you have to have a minimum volume of business : you cannot allow the expected income to be lower than the costs, because you have to spend a lot of time designing the strategy . Communication is key between your company and the agency. The greater your commitment and the appropriate feedback, the results will be as expected.
There must be a margin of maneuver
The contract that will be established with the agency must have a margin of maneuver so that it can achieve the expected objectives by increasing resources and strategies.
You Must Have Optimized Landing Pages
For the actions of a Performance Marketing campaign to be successful you must have optimized landing pages such as landing microsites with forms if the objective is to get leads or pages that are optimized for ecommerce.
You Must Shuffle Multiple Payment Options

A la hora de establecer el método de pago y la forma de hacer Performance hay que barajar varias opciones puesto que hay muchas agencias especializadas en este modelo de Marketing Digital y emplean diferentes recursos. Pueden basar su estrategia en el email marketing, email remarketing, otras en inventario de display, seach marketing o mediante la combinación de dos o más tipos dependiendo cual sea el más adecuado para cada cliente. Al igual que el método de pago que hay diferentes modelos: eCPM, CPC, CPL, CPA, etc. Todo esto se debe valorar con la agencia con el fin de llegar a un buen acuerdo.

You Must Make the Agency Watch the Campaign
To obtain the desired and agreed results it is essential that the agency is aware of the campaign , analyzing and optimizing it and monitoring all the variables with a tracking tool that collects the conversions achieved. </ p >
You must surround yourself with the best professionals
In summary , this model requires a high quality of creatives, an excellent usability of the landing pages and a good cooperation between client and agency to achieve effectiveness in a Performance Marketing campaign. For all these reasons, we must have the latest technology and the best professionals in the sector.

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