Explaining Online Marketing trends is quite complex. The subjectivity of our work and the constant changes of scenario make it very difficult to even realize which is the current moment that we live in
Therefore, we have collected some data that we found relevant. This data can perhaps bring some light to this world flooded with opinions.
• 34% of Spaniards welcome email advertising in their inboxes.
• 50% of surfers through mobile devices say they notice advertising.
• 25% of mobile users get informed or click on an ad.
• Searching for information after seeing an ad influenced 1 in 5 people.
• 45% of users that are going to make an online purchase look for the physical store of the brand at Google maps.
• 57% prefer to shop through their PC compared to 43% that wouldn’t mind doing it through their mobile device.
• 29% of potential internet customers say they don’t shop because they don’t feel safe.
• The most common activities through a mobile device are: surfing the web, making pictures, playing videos and checking emails.
• 33% surfs through a mobile.
• E-commerce increased 23,1% compared to year 2010.
• Content and apps are most valued by web users by 25%
• Mobile Marketing grew by 66,4%, reaching a 36,6 million investment.
The tendency during the near future seems to be towards the world of mobile devices throughout ads leading to purchase and tangible results. We’ll see, but draw your own conclusions.