Lead generation and its advantages


These days more and more companies choose online channels to find digital clients to increase and develop their business. Online marketing is a tool used by companies to create strategies in order to get more users and turn them into clients. This process is known as Lead Generation. However, what exactly is lead generation and what are its advantages?

What is Lead generation?

Lead Generation is the term marketers use to refer to the process of generating opportunities to sell products or services. In other words, it is a marketing technique used for client adquisition. Lead generation is a term that can be applied both to online or offline media, however it has gained relevance due to the digital development. These opportunities for digital sales can be made in several ways:
• Registration – where the user registers in a data base, such a newsletter.
• Application – where the user asks for more information through an application form.
We call ‘lead’ to the registration of a user through any of those two methods. If brands want to get leads, they have to use the following digital techniques which should be impgeneración de leadslemented all together in order to get
more information:
• Content marketing: Creating valuable content for the user.
• Lead Nurturing: Offering the user the content he/she needs when he/she needs it.
• Lead Scoring: Measuring the lead’s temperature.
• Social Media Marketing: Competitions, draws or different actions in social networks.
Email marketing: Newsletters
• Search Engine Marketing: Optimization via SEM or SEO.

Advantages of Lead Generation for companies

Lead generation is a powerful tool with many advantages which can help companies get new clients as well as increase their business in Online Media. These are the most important advantages:
– Companies, through different registration forms, can obtain very powerful information about their target audience.
– It allows them to build data bases with users interested in the brand. These data bases can be used in
the future to implement lead nurturing and lead scoring strategies.
– It helps companies improve the loyalty of users to the brand.
– It makes the feedback between company and user easier, speeding up their online sales processes.
– It allows them to detect the most attractive areas for their potential clients.
– It helps companies to optimize their revenue from marketing by pointing out all the strategies to the users who are really interested in them.
Thanks to Lead Generation, conversion rates (users to clients) can increase significantly. This is why, it is very useful to establish marketing strategies focused on lead generation, as you can get quality clients at a
good price.

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